Photos by Adrianna Favero
Concept and Creative Direction by Odie Senesh
Gauzy garments of a neutral color palette stand in stark contrast with the vivid hues of winter’s fruit. The photo series seeks to highlight the power of femininity and the sensuality ignited by context. Passion Fruit documents the process in which the female interacts with Mediterranean fruit, from silent observer to impassioned consumer, verging on paganistic. By way of consumption, the woman appears to be less concerned with being gazed at, by males or anyone else a gaze, male or otherwise and focuses on her fusion with said fruit. Senesh shares that the all female cast during the production, led to a uniquely feminine and raw approach. The appearance of citrus fruits in the series is an ode to the region and its indigenous bounty. With its deep pigmentation and tendency to stain, the pomegranate is often kept separate from the delicate and refined, whether a human, a tablecloth, or a fine fabric. The series obliterates the normative and depicts a fusion of what does not often mingle.