From Plato’s shepherd to J.R.R. Tolkien’s Frodo Baggins to J.K. Rowlings’ Harry Potter, fictional characters granted the superpower of invisibility are almost exclusively male.
Photos by Asaf Einy
Styling by Shay Lee Nissim
Words by Maayan Goldman
Female narratives of invisibility, it seems, can only ever be metaphorical and tragic. Many women experience aging as a compulsory disappearance act. There’s even an old hollywood film genre dedicated to it. Think of Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard or Bette Davis in The Star. Cautionary tales of fading film stars who at 40 shut themselves away in remote villas, unable to bear parting with their fans’ admiring gaze.

How? I’m not sure. But, I bet we’ll know it when we (don’t) see it. It isn’t necessarily about hiding, deleting your social media accounts or trying to ignore what you wear. It might have to do with cultivating mysterious practices that cannot be documented or noticed. Only felt. With allowing yourself to become immersed in whatever’s in front of you, disappear into it. With loving secretly in wifi-less spaces. With eating soft food while forgetting the world exists. It isn’t “dancing like nobody’s watching.” But, just dancing. Alone. In a room with no mirrors. Or filled with them, doesn’t matter. It’s about taking just as much pride in what you don’t share, can’t explain, and won’t remember. Getting excited about the tiniest secrets. Paying the closest attention to all of those precious parts of yourself that nobody will ever be able to see, touch, influence, harm, caress, or take away.